Tuesday, June 9, 2009

North Korea Gaining Leverage

By John LeBoutillier

Most people seemed to have missed the point of North Korea’s kidnapping, trying, and sentencing-to-twelve-years-in-a-labor-camp of two young female journalists: it is totally and entirely to gain leverage over Washington with a brand new Administration in place.

Kim Jong Il learned from his father, Kim Il Song, who pioneered the technique, that the quickest way to get D.C. to pay attention to you is to hold Americans as prisoners. Why? Because we care!

And if the two are women - and journalists - well, that is just too good to pass up!

Look how much coverage this story is receiving. Plus, Al Gore is involved - and Pyongyang probably feels the Former Vice President can get into the Obama Oval Office and cut a deal.What does this rogue regime want? Duh! Money - and lots of it. In cash. In bags and suitcases. [more...]

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