Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran: Answered Prayers?

By John LeBoutillier

Iran may crumble. The government that was carried in by the mob thirty years ago may get carried out by that mob's children. This electrifying story can go in any direction - and already the past five days have seen things which indicate the closed, Mullah-run society is teetering on implosion:

1) Their Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has reversed himself - in public - twice - on recounting the votes;

2) He is floundering over what to do as the streets erupt in violence and protest;

3) The government clampdown on foreign journalists, text messaging, cell calls, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter shows that Tehran is indeed worried about losing control of their people;

4) The people are increasingly unsatisfied by the government’s response - and thus the protests are spreading, not decreasing. [more...]

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