Wednesday, March 18, 2015

'Mindslaughtered:' U.S. Arms Negotiations - From Communists to Jihadists

Irrational, hypocritical attacks on Sen. Tom Cotton and the GOP-47 for their March 9, 2015 "Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran" notwithstanding, the Senators' message has had a salutary clarifying effect. We now know that the looming nuclear agreement with Iran:

1)      will be a non-binding agreement under international law.
2)      will not be converted into binding obligations by the U.N. Security Council.
3)      will not be submitted to Congress for a vote.

This latter point - not submitting the "agreement" to Congressional vote - is contrary to almost all past arms control agreements, which have been Senate Advice and Consent Treaties (whose approval requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate). Thus, absent Congressional approval, the Obama Administration appears hell-bent on giving legitimacy to Iran’s uranium enrichment program, and waiving economic sanctions on Iran. The appalling Iran deal, as being negotiated till now, also fully ignores Iran’s ongoing ballistic missile, and nuclear weaponization programs.

The experience of Soviet-era tactical deceptions - lies and cheating - during decades of arms control efforts, has no resonance with our ineducable present day State Department officials engaged with takiya- (Islamic dissimulation) practicing Iran in its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. Indeed, Soviet totalitarianism simply reproduced many of the features of long pre-existing totalitarian Islam - most notably, the quest for global domination.

Mindslaughter, the brilliantly evocative term coined by historian Robert Conquest for delusive Western apologetics regarding the ideology of Communism, and the tangible horrors its Communist votaries inflicted, applies equally to the current state of U.S. engagement with Iran, "normalizing" a global jihadist, Jew- and infidel-hating, Shiite theocracy. We are in crying need of Conquest's intellectual courage and brutal honesty when it comes to addressing the contemporary scourge of resurgent jihadism and its most dangerous manifestation: a nuclear weapons possessing, jihadist Iran.  [more...]

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