Monday, March 30, 2015

Destroy Iran's Nuke Facilities... Don't Wait for Musical Chairs "Regime Change"

I share the legitimate concerns of center-right critics over the gravely delusive and dangerous concessions the Obama Administration appears hell-bent to agree upon in its nuclear negotiations with Iran.

It has also become axiomatic, however, that each center-right tocsin of looming calamity regarding the apparent disastrous essence of the Obama Administration's hotly pursued Iran nuclear deal will invoke the alleged panacea of Iranian "regime change." Invariably, truculent reminders of President Obama's failure to support what I have termed the Soylent Green Movement, during the summer of 2009 accompany the regime change chorus. While certainly not as damaging as the nuclear weapons-abetting Obama Administration "Iranian diplomacy," the incessantly repeated "alternative" notion of Soylent Green Movement-inspired regime change is another corrosive delusion, particularly when championed in lieu of near-term, targeted, concerted destruction of Iran's four known major nuclear materials production facilities.

Regardless of the attitudes of current political leadership and policymaking elites, across the political spectrum, polling data strongly suggests that an overwhelming majority of Americans are fully cognizant of Iran's intentions, and the unacceptable security threat posed by an Islamic Republic armed with nuclear weapons. Perhaps such gimlet-eyed Americans will elect equally astute political leaders also endowed with the courage necessary to authorize targeted military strikes which complete a task Israel will have initiated by 2015: destroying, or severely damaging the Islamic Republic of Iran's current nuclear development facilities, forestalling, and perhaps even preventing long term, a nuclear weapons-armed Iran. [more...]

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