Thursday, February 5, 2009

Exclusive: Last Sunday's Iraqi Election Was a Big Success!

By Kevin "Coach" Collins

Last Sunday Iraq held new elections. There was no violence, so it's doubtful you heard much about the way they went. Things went too smoothly for our phony media to be bothered reporting this story. However, we were forwarded an e-mail from a highly placed American military commander expressing his delight at how the day unfolded. Here's what he reported:

In Anbar Province, the news was positively exhilarating. There were no suicide bombers blowing voters up; no Marines had to battle terrorist skunks trying to stop democracy by killing Iraqi voters. The thought of participating in their very first free and honest election even brought out Anbar's Sunnis by the tens of thousands. Because security concerns shut down the roads to vehicular traffic, people walked for miles to get to the polls. None were shot at or harassed by terrorist thugs; all walked heads up and confidently.

The commander reported traveling 200 miles and seeing nothing but smiling faces and purple fingers. He stopped and spoke with ordinary Iraqi citizens and heard only positive reports. As the day progressed, he became more and more secure in the belief that an honest and free election, "almost unthinkable a year ago," was happening.

By 4:30 PM the even greater news reached him: the polls were so busy they had to be held open for another ninety minutes! Contrary to old media reports, the commander reported seeing almost 100% voter participation.

He closed with, "I've always said we came here to 'give' them democracy. What I saw today, [taught me] people are not given freedom and democracy - they take it for themselves. The Anbaris deserve this credit."

Yes sir, they do, but the media will never give them or America any credit. Our blood and treasure have bought Iraqi freedom.

Another "boots on the ground" message echoed this cheerful depiction of the events of the Iraqi people's big day of freedom. In part, that one read as follows:

"I thought you would like to know that the Iraq provincial elections went very well - better, honestly, than we had dared to hope they would go. The vote counting and potential for assassination of elected candidates aside, Iraq has had its first successful election, not to establish, but to peacefully 'change' a government."

Asking why we haven't seen this reported anywhere is a waste of time. [more...]

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