Friday, February 6, 2009

Brigitte Gabriel: Obama Has No Space for Error

As Obama moves forward with his rhetoric to close down Gitmo bringing the worst of the terrorists here to our homeland, Saudi Arabia released a report yesterday saying that 14 Saudi terrorists who have been released from Gitmo, re-trained in the Saudi terrorist rehabilitation program, which was wildly reported as successful, and are now back on the battlefield conducting terrorist operations including the two shown last week on a video from Yemen.

Then again, what do you expect when Wahhabi Mullahs who teach that "infidels, Christians and Jews are apes and pigs" are in charge of the rehabilitation program?

On another front, Iran's announcement that it has launched its first satellite confirms that the Islamic republic has missiles capable of striking Israel and southeast Europe. One of the worries associated with Iran's space program is that the technology used to launch satellites can be used to deliver warheads.

President Obama has no space for error in dealing with radical Islamists bent on fighting the West.

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