Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obama’s America: Jailed for Blaspheming against Islam

Obama believes his re-election gives him a mandate to continue on his path to “fundamentally transform” America. He is well on his way to fundamentally transforming the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech to a more Sharia-friendly version. The transformation is playing out before our eyes in the persecution of the producer of the anti-Islam video blamed by Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials for the Benghazi murders. The day after Obama’s re-election victory lap, the video producer, Mark Basseley Youssef, was sentenced by a federal district court judge to one year in prison for violating the terms of his probation. The Obama administration had gone after Youssef relentlessly, using probation violations as a convenient pretext to arrest and prosecute him. The real goal was to punish Youssef for blasphemy against Islam - a crime under Sharia law. [more...]

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