Friday, October 12, 2012

Romney's Foreign Policy Vision

In his speech at VMI, Presidential candidate Romney laid out a plan to reform the current U.S. foreign policy and its handling of terrorism in the Middle East. Mr. Romney pointed out that the attack in Benghazi which resulted in the killing of U.S. Ambassador Stevens was the work of the same group responsible for the 9/11 attack, something that was very evident to the world, and radical Islamists did not even hide. Mr. Romney’s proposal to reform the U.S. foreign policies by exhibiting confidence in the U.S. cause, clarity in its purpose, and resolution in its mind towards these serious regional issues that have carried a negative impact on national security in recent years, is without a doubt the only way radical Islamists can be stopped and reduced, and for them to look up to the U.S. once again as the power it once was. Unless such reformation takes place SOON, the world will continue to experience a major shift in global powers where radical Islamists are at the center of it all. [more...]

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