Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Dilemma of Democracy and Islamic Terrorism

By Al Fadi

Since 9/11, the NYPD developed a surveillance program designed to spy on Muslims. The purpose of the program was to track activities of Muslims at Mosques, Islamic centers, communities, and universities. It also included cataloging mosques and Muslim-owned businesses, recording the license plates of worshippers at mosques, infiltrating student groups and eavesdropping in Muslim neighborhoods The motive behind such surveillance was to detect and deter any terror activities in the wake of the 9/11 attack on NY. When asked about this, attorney General Eric Holder told Congress last week that he’s disturbed by what he’s read about the New York Police Department conducting surveillance of mosques and Islamic student organizations in New Jersey. Unfortunately, one should not go further than the pages of the Qur’an, the Muslims’ holiest book, from which they draw all of their daily life spiritual and moral needs and codes of conduct... one can find some disturbing passages that can shed some light on why SOME Muslims commit acts of terror and violence against others, which in turn can justify what the intelligence community is doing to protect freedom, and the public at-large. [more...]

1 comment:

Josh Cohen said...

The amount freedom we have given up in exchange for security is horrible. The cost to out liberties has NOT been worth it!
attack on Iran