Friday, May 6, 2011

5-6-11 National Security Updates

Show the bin Laden Corpse Photos

The country is still in a state of euphoric celebration from the May 1 assassination of Osama bin Laden, and America wants to see the photos of his corpse. Proof is required to put a dent in the still-popular 9/11 conspiracy theories and to maximize the demoralization of al-Qaeda and bin Laden’s sympathizers. The White House should not be deterred about concerns over Muslim "sensitivities" and should immediately release the photos that the world needs to see. [more...]

The Mystery of Bin Laden's Compound

Many political observers are pointing out that Bin Laden’s hideout was so obvious that the Pakistanis had to have known that the chief of al-Qaeda was living there. Did the Pakistanis know? The answer appears to be obvious. But new information from documents released by Wikileaks raises another serious question: Shouldn’t we have known? [more...]

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