Monday, October 18, 2010

Evil Ground Zero Mosque Mania

By Larry Klayman

The dastardly scheme and now reality of building a mosque just one block from Ground Zero was crazy and evil enough, given the pain that New Yorkers and the nation as a whole have experienced since 9/11. Add to that the irrefutable fact that the imam of this planned outrage is an American agent who works for the Obama State Department, going on taxpayer-funded junkets around the world to spread the word of "Muhammad" and "Allah," that donors to his congregation have given to the Holy Land Foundation, a convicted terrorist front group, and that this same imam, Feisal Rauf, blamed the United States for causing 9/11 shortly after the tragedy occurred, and we see the curtain rising on this "Theatre of the Absurd," radical Muslim style. But now that this curtain has risen and we are able to view the "first act," thanks to the lawsuit my brave client, severely wounded first responder Vinnie Forras, brought to "Unmasque the Mosque," this existential tragic-comedy takes on new bizarre and troubling dimensions with each passing day.

As if it were not enough that our president, Barack Hussein Obama, endorsed the ground zero mosque at a White House celebration of Ramadan, after having canceled White House commemoration of the primarily Christian-Jewish National Day of Prayer. The nation's Voice of America, which is meant to broadcast and further American values and a message of freedom into Iran and the Middle East, among other world venues, aired what in effect was a defense of the building of the ground zero mosque last Sept. 15 (see video here.) This defense by VOA obviously had the effect of whipping up anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world. [more...]

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