Thursday, September 9, 2010

National Security Updates

By Ryan Mauro

Rehearsing Terror

The Dutch police have released two Yemeni men taken off a United Airlines flight that landed in Amsterdam from Chicago, saying there was no evidence connecting them to terrorism. However, the circumstances of their arrest clearly point to a "dry run" or deliberate provocation of security, with important questions remaining unanswered. [more...]

Hamas’s Preview for Peace

The Israelis and the Palestinian Authority have renewed peace negotiations, with Defense Minister Ehud Barak going so far as to state that the division of Jerusalem is on the table. Hamas has predictably reacted by shooting four Israeli civilians to death in the West Bank, followed by a second shooting that injured two. The attacks underscored that there can never be anything near peace until Hamas is dismantled and Palestinian public opinion comes to accept the reality of Israel’s existence. [more...]

Majority of Iraqis Oppose Obama’s Withdrawal

Democracy, Whiskey, Sexy, Redux: based on recent polling numbers, Iraqis want American soldiers to stay in their country more than the Americans do.

According to the latest CBS poll, nearly 70 percent of Americans approve of President Obama’s decision to withdraw all combat troops from Iraq. In a remarkable turnaround, the Iraqis are the bigger opponents of the president’s plan. Iraqis want American soldiers to stay in their country more than Americans do. [more...]

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