Friday, October 2, 2009

FBI, CIA Successes Go Unsung by Obama

By Ronald Kessler

In the past several weeks, both the FBI and CIA have scored startling successes, but you would never know it by listening to President Barack Obama. The FBI arrested five men in separate alleged plots to blow up federal buildings or subways, attack Americans, and create mass destruction. All the plotters shared allegiance to radical jihad and devotion to al-Qaida. The CIA, meanwhile, pinpointed an underground uranium enrichment facility Iran has been secretly building. Along with much of the media, Obama has made a career of bashing the CIA and second-guessing interrogations that led to the roll-up of plots that would have killed thousands of Americans. Eric Holder Jr., Obama's attorney general, has decided to reopen criminal investigations of CIA officials involved in the interrogations, sending a message to CIA officers that they may suffer consequences if they take risks to uncover new terrorist plots. According to the Washington Post, before he decided to reopen the cases, "Holder did not read detailed memos that prosecutors drafted and placed in files to explain their decision to decline prosecutions." [more...]

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