What about audiences around the world? How do they interpret, "The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand"? Are the poorer nations of the world to understand that a President Obama would have Americans give up their hard earned wealth and share equally with them? That sounds suspiciously like socialism, if not communism – which is exactly what Americans fought the Cold War to defeat. If so, isn't Sen. Obama offering the poor nations of the world a vision, which Americans will not support?
He also pledged that "the walls between ...natives and immigrants... are the walls we must tear down." What are the implications for illegal American immigrants? Is Sen. Obama signaling a blanket amnesty and equal access to all assistance programs to all immigrants, legal or otherwise? Immigration is considered a hot button issue throughout the United States and our failure to enact immigration legislation indicative of our lack of consensus. Does Sen. Obama have the right to call for a new immigration policy without first lining up American support?
Sen. Obama called for the "The walls between religions [to] come down." How are Muslim extremists to interpret this statement? It sounds rather like what they’re calling for too, but under their vision we all convert to Islam, live under Shar'ia law and the Caliphate. [more...]
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