Monday, June 23, 2008

Heritage Foundation on

There is now a Web site that looks at national security on a personal level. According to the "About Us" section of, "Family Security Matters was created to give Americans like us the tools to become involved citizens and powerful defenders of our homes, our families, and our communities… to show you how you can influence national policy and community security directly, without waiting for government action."

The tool they provide individuals is information and a wealth of it can be found in the site's numerous sections. Sections such as "Must Reads" and "FSM Authors" provide information written by the site's contributing editors, all experts in various aspects of national security. The "Enfactlopedia" provides readers a place to do a quick keyword search for further information, while the "Resources" section offers suggested sites for further research and searches. The "FSM Blog" section is also a noteworthy part of the site where readers can comment on news articles on the issues that matter most to them. offers a place to become knowledgeable and involved in national security. [more...]

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