The Iran Deal
and What People Can Do Now to Stop It
treaty/deal/agreement - whatever they are calling it - is bogus. The Iranian's
signature on the agreement is worthless. Remember, we are dealing with a theocracy
that bases everything it does on Islamic principles including principles of war
and dealing with or deceiving your enemy.
One of the major tactics practiced by the prophet Mohammed in war is deception.
There is even a law in Islam called "Taqiyah" which means you can utter
any lie or sign any agreement to deceive your enemy while you are in a weak
position. You can break that agreement as soon as you think you can defeat your
Prophet Mohammed signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans called the "Treaty
of Hudaybiah," which I discuss in my book. They were in a battle and he
couldn't defeat them, so he signed the treaty with them promising that he will
cease any confrontation or attack with them. Mohammad used the treaty to build
his army and train and strengthen it. He broke the treaty two years later and
attacked Mecca and took over the city in 24 hours because the Meccans were not
expecting it. Thus, it became the principle battle of war strategy in Islam.
An example of this principle being used in recent years was the Oslo accord
signed between Israel and Yasser Arafat in 1993. When the Arab media would ask
Yasser Arafat, "How could you sign a peace treaty with the devil?" he
would tell them: "Remember Hudaibiyah." The Arab street understood
exactly what he was talking about while the West, including Israel, was
oblivious. Arafat used the peace accord to build his police and train them
(armed and trained by the Israelis, no less). In less than 8 years, Arafat
turned against Israel and used his own forces trained by Israel to attack
Israel and start the second Intifada. As a result, today Gaza is a mini terror
state ruled by Hamas. Israel has a wall surrounding it to protect it from
suicide bombers. Rockets fall like rain on Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian
Authority is basically nothing, except this time with Iran, we are doomed when
Iran finishes the nuclear bomb. The West is too blind to see the writing
on the wall or even learn from history.