Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Time for Truth & Consequences on the Benghazi Cover Up

As Hillary Clinton contemplates running for president in 2016, I wonder if she dreams of conjuring up the Benghazi tragedy and cover-up and repeating in her sleep, "What difference does it make?"  She just cannot get rid of the Benghazi stain on her record. Every time she thinks it's safe to go back into the water and leave Benghazi behind, another bit of the truth is revealed that calls into question the honesty of the Obama administration, including its former Secretary of State, about what happened before, during, and after the September 11, 2012 jihadist attack. And every time, we can count on spinmeisters in President Obama's camp such as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to say things like Benghazi is old news and that Republicans are engaging in unfounded conspiracy theories. [more...]