Thursday, February 18, 2010

CPAC 2010-Jihad: The Political Third Rail

By Joy Tiz

Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller will be offering a seminar at this year's CPAC addressing what has become the new third rail of politics: Islamic Jihad: "Our nation is at war, and yet our politicians pretend that that war isn't happening. Barack Obama is intent upon trying enemy combatants in that war in civilian courts and making concession after concession to our enemies as if those concessions will make them love us. The mainstream media, both liberal and conservative, and the entire government and law enforcement apparatus appear determined to obfuscate and deny the truth about the enemy’s ideology and belief system. This has the effect of minimizing in the minds of Americans the threat just as it is greater than ever and of rendering us blind to very real threats from people and groups that officials seem intent upon assuming to be innocuous." [more…]

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